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The latest news from the Target Trials in
Mental Health Programme
£1.6 million awarded to improve mental health treatment through innovative research
18 February 2025
Innovative research to assess the effectiveness of digital and talking therapies for anxiety and depression has been given a £1.6 million boost. The Target Trials in Mental Health Programme, led by the University of Sheffield and seven partner organisations, aims to determine which treatments work best for whom, and whether they provide value for money.
NIHR and OLS invest £7.8m in new technology to benefit patients
21 November 2024
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) via its invention for innovation (i4) funding stream and the Office for Life Sciences (OLS) have funded seven new research projects aimed at bringing new technologies into the NHS to benefit patients. One of these projects is the SilverCloud Target Trials.
Methodologists awarded £5m from the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit programme across 25 projects
15 October 2024
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) Programme has funded a series of new awards to support methodologists. The awards have been made through the under-represented disciplines and specialisms highlight notice. Over £5 million has been awarded across 25 projects. One of these is the Target Therapies project.