Patient and Public Involvement
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Patient and Public Involvement
Leads: Rachel Temple & George Clarke (McPin Foundation)
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) is a key cross-programme work-package. The PPI elements of our project will be overseen by our independent Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP). The LEAP is providing independent oversight across both projects within the Target Trials in Mental Health programme.
McPin’s lived experience involvement networks include hundreds of people from across the UK, covering underrepresented groups including LGBTQ+, ethnic minority, and neurodiverse groups. These networks – alongside recruitment strategies involving broader partner contacts and networks – are enabling us to identify and recruit a diverse LEAP. The LEAP will include fourteen people, aged 18+, from diverse backgrounds inclusive of marginalised groups (e.g., LGBTQ+, experience of deprivation, ethnicity, neurodiversity) for whom we have specifically reserved places and work with to identify individual needs.
[More information is on its way]